I'm sitting in the Church Street Cafe nursing a de-caf mocha, and taking care of last minute details before going home to pack. I always have this free-form anxiety before I travel, and it's not fear of blowing up in the plane over the polar route, or getting lost, or anything like that. I think it's about the loneliness that comes when I travel by my self. I enjoy it immensely, but have walked around all morning thinking about Arthur and Anna, and trying to control my compulsion to phone them in the midst of their busy day.
Some of the anxiety is tied to getting everything done before I leave: thank you notes, some business with various agencies, and churches, and then there is the waiting for the housekeeper to be done, so that I can return home and finish packing.
From here it's off to downtown for a cheap shoe shine at Nordstroms, and then to pick up some Pounds Sterling at TravelEx - and then home, and maybe a nap. The nap is THE best cure for free-form anxiety.
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